Este blog é sobre tudo o que me interessa sempre que a Internet seja o interface entre o negócio e o cliente!!... Neste blog haverá sempre referências sobre Usabilidade, Marketing Viral, Inteligência Colectiva, SEO, CRM, User Experience, Link Building e tudo aquilo que eu apanhar na rede ao final do dia e que me faça chocar os neurónios! ;)
Social search getting hot at Yahoo
"Yahoo's efforts to build out social search is gaining "critical mass," says Product Strategy VP Bradley Horowitz. He talks with Bambi Francisco about monetizing these efforts and how the company is well-positioned to get into the video-uploading service game."
Receiver #15
Social Networking's Gold Rush
"So with each passing month, investors, big media companies, and advertisers are being forced to seriously consider whether social networking sites can have a viable long-term business model. Whether or not there's a future for social networking, players that are high on the sector's prospects, or simply don't want to miss out on its potential, are pouring in serious money"
"Facebook, a site for college and high-school students, plans to announce Apr. 19 that it has raised $25 million in its latest round of funding from venture-capital firms. That same day, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (NWS), is expected to announce that it is taking a minority stake in SimplyHired, a job-hunting site with a strong social-networking component."
"F for fast": Como lemos no ecrã!?
"In an eyetracking study, Jakob Nielsen found that users often scan content on web pages in an F-shaped pattern:
- First, people scan in a horizontal movement across the upper part of the content area
- Secondly, in a shorter horizontal movement further down the page
- Finally, in a vertical movement along the content's left side
According to Jakob Nielsen the F-pattern behaviour shows that:
- People don't read text thoroughly
- The most important information should be at the top
- Headings and paragraphs must start with information-carrying words that users will notice when they scan down the left side of the content"
Microsoft Social
"MSN Search division on a comeback tour. The next stop: Social search, a way of making Web search more relevant by incorporating the preferences of like-minded Net surfers."
Flood Maps
Mas para conhecer mais destas Web 2.0 Mashups o melhor é visitar Programmable Web:
"The site maps nearly 600 mashups by plotting 78 Web 2.0 sites against each other (kind of like one of those distance finders you see on a road map). It's incredibly addictive... and an inspirational snapshot of some of the innovative energy out there on the new web."
Interfaces que dão e recebem conselhos!
The new blogocracy
"As a practice, journalism espouses an air of objectivity, purporting to cover all sides of a debate, equally and with emotional distance. While few believe that journalists are unbiased, it is considered a respectable aim of the profession and readers expect them to be as objective as possible. Bloggers, on the other hand, have no such cultural code and their readers rarely hold them accountable for objectivity. In fact, what makes blogging confusing for many is that the practices encompassed by that term are quite diverse."
"Bloggers at the Democratic National Convention signify a shift in media, but not a replacement for mainstream coverage. Their role will be to fill in the gaps, expose the underlying magic, and keep everyone on their toes. What they are doing cannot be compared to journalism; it can only be described as blogging."
G/localization: When Global Information and Local Interaction Collide
"Designers who work with networks must face these tensions and design to take advantage of the global while not destroying the local. This is a hefty challenge and one that i want us to dive into."
"The digital era has allowed us to cross space and time(...)Yet, people don't live in a global world - they are more concerned with the cultures in which they participate."
"Today, we are trying to build a whole new level of social communities. Some folks are building more open social platforms so that participants can modify the structures to meet their own needs."
Danah Boyd apresenta Craigslist, Flickr e MySpace como exemplo de comunidades que cresceram organicamente:
"They all grew organically. They each have public personalities that early adopters feel connected to. The early adopters really felt as though they were participating in and creating an intimate community, even as the community grew to millions. Users are passionate. Designers are passionate."